
Annual Maintenance Contracts and Solar O & M

Site visits: We come on site to inspect your installation and analyze whether it is producing the amount of power it has promised.
Solar our maintenance firm perform. On average, regular solar array cleaning will increase annual solar energy production by 5 to 10% in climates with a dry season.
Electrical system checks: we check the electrical systems to make sure they are performing properly — and make corrections if they are not.
Solar Inverter preventative maintenance: we do the same checks and corrections for your solar inverters.
Other services can include: Audit energy production, Evaluate network voltage and frequency, Inventory and spare parts management, Environment conditions control, Coordinate warranty repairs and regular service checks.

Net Metering Installation and Maintenance

For those who care about energy security as well as those who care about the environment, the abundance and renewable characteristic of Solar Energy make it one of the most attractive options as an energy source. But Sun is not constant. The intensity of Sun is much less during monsoon and winter. And solar panels cannot generate electricity during night time. So how can residents get reliable power when nature doesn’t cooperate? When solar panels are not producing enough electricity, residents using Solar Rooftop Installation

Solar Metering Consultancy Services

The Viraj Smart Solutions Utilities practice provides net metering consulting services and solutions to improve the reliability and efficiency of power utility enterprises. We help you incorporate data from bidirectional as well as Time-Of-Use (TOU) meters with solar photovoltaic systems and wind turbines. Accurate statements of the electricity consumed and exported to the power grid facilitate prompt billing.

Our consultants help you make informed decisions on Customer Information System (CIS) modernization / replacement for managing net metering customers by sharing the road map for implementation. We develop dashboards to manage distributed energy sources and electricity load in the network.

Installation and Maintenance of All types of Solar Invertor.

We are providing Installation and Maintenance of All types of Solar Invertor, In that basically few steps are carried out which are as following.
  • Solar Panel Installation
  • Invertor Installation
  • System Monitoring
  • Solar Panel Maintenance
folowing services in Installation and Maintenance of All types of Solar Invertor: